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Product Name: Natural White Sesame Seeds
Scientific Name: Sesamún indicúm
Productive Zone: tropical Lowlands-Llanos: 400 - 450 meters a.s.l. (Santa Cruz)
Arancelarian Position: 1207409000 – UNSPSC 10151606
Humidity: Not greater than 8%
Quality: 99.5% purity or more, 8% maximum hummidty, 50% minimum oil content, FFA (Acidity) 3.0% maximum
Condition: A clean, dry, infestation and infection-free grain. No pesticide and/or agro-chemicals prohibited by the OMC are used in the sesame fields. This guarantees that all crops are natural.
Export Documentation: Commercial Invoice
Packing List
Certificate of Origin
Phitosanitary Certificate
Payment: L/C and/or CAD
Package: New polypropylene bags of 50 kg./net
Shelflife: 2 years if stored in the right conditions (dry environment with temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius)
Shipment Period: May to November

Datos del Vendedor


Miembro Gratis desde 07/06/2013

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