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High pressure flat fan wash nozzle ( MEG)

high pressure flat fan wash nozzle ( MEG)


1.pattern: flat fan
2. one piece
4 spray angle: 15~65 degree

1.MEGseries high pressure wash nozzle features narrow-angle,equal flat fan spray nozzle is a kind of one-piece nozzle with U shape groove,medium spray capacity and high impact

2.1/8"~1/4" MEG small spray capacity + narrow angle flat fan spray pattern and1/2"~2" large spray capacity +narrow angle flat fan spray pattern is available.

3.1/4"~3/8" tungsten carbide-inserted also is available in order to meet high pressure and abrasion which is a small angle and high impact spray nozzle.

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Miembro Gratis desde 11/12/2013

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