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4a zeolite


4A Zeolite,
white powder zeolite ;high exchange capacity; strong adsorption; using in Laundry detergent industry.
3A Molecular Sieve:
White and powder, using in dehydration of ethylene, propylene and ethanol.
4A Molecular Sieve,
White and powder, using in dehumidification of oil-gas, etc.
5A Molecular Sieve:
White and Powder, using in air-purification and PSA, etc.
13X Molecular Sieve:
White and powder, using in purification of air with air separation equipment, and separation of gas or liquid, etc.

Water Adsorbed Capability at More than 28%.

for full lab datass on these products, please go to visit our official website.

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Miembro Gratis desde 10/01/2013

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