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Cable de Fibra Optica


Good mechanical and temperature resistant performance
1.Central Tube Light Armored Fiber Optic Cable
2.Stranded Loose Tube Non-armored Fiber Optic Cable
3.Stranded Loose Tube Armored Cable
4.Relief Fiber Optic Cable
5.Photoelectric Hybrid Cable
6.Waterproof Fiber Optic Cable

The coloring fibers are positioned in a central loose tube and fillers are stranded around the metallic central strength member.
The APL is longitudinal covering. The cable is completed with PE sheath. In the loose tube, gap of the core is filled with
the water-resistant filling compound.
FTTX FTTH solutions

Good mechanical and temperature
resistant performance.
Crush resistance, water blocking
and flexibility

Datos del Vendedor


Miembro Gratis desde 30/03/2012

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